職種(詳細) リンギスト
給与 月給35万円~、(スキル、経験により決定いたします)
勤務地詳細 東京都新宿区西新宿4-15-7パシフィックマークス新宿パークサイド5F
  • 9:30〜18:30
休日 土 日 祝
仕事内容 •Provide linguistic support to translators and reviewers as needed.
•Help deliver projects on time and at a linguistic quality that meets customer expectations.
•Overall responsibility for the processes and methodologies involved in the execution of localization projects with tools, internal team and external resources.
•Occasionally translate or review projects.
•This position has to participate in all project-related activities from the start of the project till the end, including meetings, conference calls and any other relevant activities as part of the “team” within the Business Unit.
•Conduct training for translators on various review and translation tools and processes that involve quality inspection
経験 経験者のみ
応募連絡先 応募職種名を記入し、履歴書、職務経歴書(日英)を japan@moravia.com までご送付ください。
ホームページ http://www.moravia.com/ja/